Many homeowners struggle to keep their lawns green and lush during the autumn and winter months. If you are aware of the best steps to follow, a green lawn can be maintained for the entire year. This article will offer advice to help keep your lawn green throughout the year if you get tired of looking at your yard and seeing spots of yellow or brown.
Air It Out – Seasonal Aeration
An essential step in lawn care maintenance, but often overlooked, is aerating your yard. Proper aeration can help maintain your lawn's health. The process of aeration promotes a healthier root system. It also allows for more water and airflow to reach roots through the soil. This facilitates fertilization. Aeration promotes strong, new grass growth. The process can be slow and tedious. A spike, core, or plug aerator should be used to properly penetrate the soil to the required depth.
Fill in the Blanks
Depending on where you live, many homeowners will either seed their lawn or add sod as necessary. Overseeding, as it is also known, can be confusing. Overseeding helps increase the density of your lawns by filling empty spots or areas with little or no grass growth. The fall and spring are best for overseeding your lawn after aeration. Because soil isn't so stressed from foot traffic or drought, overseeding in spring and fall is the best time to do it. If you choose to overseed, ensure that your overseeding area is adequately irrigated to allow for new growth.
When and How to Correctly Use Fertilizer
The sight of dead or patchy lawns is not something to be proud of. Many homeowners then decide to fertilize their lawn. The difference between fertilizing a healthy lawn and repairing a damaged lawn is quite significant. Spreading fertilizer around your lawn to revive dead areas is not enough. Spreading fertilizer on an unhealthy or dying lawn may actually make matters worse. Although fertilizer can't be wrong, incorrectly applying it to lawns already damaged or dying could result in more damage. There are many varieties of lawn fertilizers. Each fertilizer was designed for a specific use and must only be used under certain conditions. It will either benefit or harm your lawn, depending on the fertilizer you choose and how it is applied.
Clean Up After Fido
We all love our pets. But, when your pet is constantly using your lawn as a place to urinate or poop, it can have a serious impact on your grass. You will be responsible for removing pet poop from your yard because your pet is unable to clean it up. It's a sure way to get those brown spots in your lawn. To reduce the negative effects on your grass, it is a good idea to wash off any pet waste.
Going Green – Hire a Pro
A beautiful landscaped lawn adds value to your neighborhood and home. Maintaining your property is not easy. It requires time and knowledge. We can help you out if you have a difficult lawn or lack the time. Our team of experts is qualified to handle all landscaping and lawn maintenance needs.
Abbotsford Landscaping
33509 Marshall Rd #303 E, Abbotsford, BC V2S 1K8